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Requirements for import documents of African countries or regions

Requirements for import documents of African countries or regions

The Gambia

(1) Customs invoice (3 copies);② Commercial invoice;③ Certificate of origin


Commercial invoice (2 copies);② Certificate of origin (in 2 copies), a legally binding declaration relating to Israel to be signed in person;(3) Manufacturer's description (1 copy), the content is "hereby declare that the goods mentioned in the certificate of origin issued by the Chamber of Commerce are manufactured by x x";(4) Blacklist certificate (1), which requires a statement that the ship carrying the goods is not on the "blacklist" and has not docked at an Israeli port, as follows:"We declare that the goods will not be sent by a ship which is includded in the'Black List,And will be shipped to Libya without calling at any Israeli port",⑤ For flour, a certificate should be attached, that is, the country producing wheat is a country participating in the "International Wheat Agreement";⑥ Plants or plant products should be attached with the health quarantine certificate.


(1) Commercial invoice (in 3 copies) signed by the exporter stating the origin and price of the goods: "This is to certify that the goods listed in the invoice were produced in ×× country, the origin is ×× country, and the prices stated in the invoice are in conformity with the prevailing prices in the market of the exporting country";② Certificate of origin;(3) Proof of goods movement;(4) Sanitary inspection certificate, used for live livestock, meat, animal products and plants


Commercial invoice (4 copies), must be certified by chamber of Commerce;② Certificate of origin;(3) Inspection verification, used for motor, lamp electric installation material

Mr Lai,

(1) Commercial invoice (3 copies) bearing a price declaration of the country of origin signed by the exporter certifying that the invoice price is equal to the prevailing price in the market of the exporting country;② Certificate of origin;(3) Proof of goods movement;(4) Inspection proof, used for art, gems, live livestock;(5) Animal quarantine certificates for livestock, fresh and canned cold meat;(8) Plant quarantine certificate for plants, seeds, soil, fertilizer, compost, etc


Commercial invoice (2 copies);(2) Proof of movement of goods;③ Inspection certificate;(4) Health quarantine certificate, used for livestock, meat and meat products, salt, dried, cold, frozen and smoked fish;⑤ Plant quarantine certificate, for living plant seeds

Equatorial Guinea

Commercial invoice (3 copies);② Certificate of origin;(3) Proof of goods movement;④ Inspection certificate


Commercial invoice (3 copies);② Certificate of origin;③ Inspection certificate;(4) Health quarantine certificate, used for live livestock, fresh meat and cold canned meat;⑤ Plant quarantine certificate, used for plants, seeds, soil, fertilizer, compost

The central African

Commercial invoice (3 copies);② Certificate of origin;(3) Health quarantine certificate for live livestock, fresh meat and canned cold meat;(4) Plant quarantine certificate, used for plants, seeds, soil, fertilizer, compost

Emmanuel and

Commercial invoice (4 copies), certified by chamber of Commerce and certified by consul;(2) Certificate of origin (2 copies), consular certification required;(3) Proof of goods movement;(4) For food, tea, sugar, flour, tobacco, pharmaceutical products, chemical products, feed, wood, furniture and chemical fertilizers, a relevant radioactive certificate shall be submitted to prove that the radioactive value of the exported products does not exceed the prescribed maximum value.


(1) Commercial invoice (2 copies), on the invoice should be signed by the exporter with legal binding force statement: "this is to certify that this invoice is true, correct and consistent with the account of the enterprise", must be certified by the chamber of Commerce;(2) Health quarantine certificate, used for plants, animals and animal products;(3) For all commodities belonging to the category of pharmaceutical supplies, a certificate certifying that the relevant pharmaceutical products are allowed to be sold freely in the market of the exporting country is required, and an import license is required

Plus, peng

(1) Commercial invoice (in 3 copies), on which the exporter shall sign the declaration of origin and price: "We hereby declare that the goods listed in the invoice were produced in the country of origin (country of origin) and that the prices stated in the invoice are in conformity with the prevailing prices in the market of the country of origin";② Certificate of origin;(3) Proof of goods movement;(4) Live livestock, fresh meat and canned cold meat, need to have a health and quarantine certificate issued by an officially recognized veterinarian;(5) For plants (whole and part), seeds, soil, fertilizer, compost, to submit a phytosanitary certificate


(1) Customs invoice (3 copies);(2) Commercial invoice, both of which should be accompanied by the following statement: "We hereby confirm that the goods mentioned in this invoice are in stock";③ Certificate of origin;④ Inspection certificate


Commercial invoice (3 copies);② Inspection certificate;(3) All animals should be accompanied by health quarantine certificates;(4) For denatured soju, a special certificate of the supply company is required


(1) Commercial invoice in 3 copies, on which the exporter declares the country of origin: "This is to certify that the goods listed in the invoice were produced in (country) (country) (country) (country) (country)";② Certificate of origin;③ Inspection certificate;(4) For live livestock, fresh meat, cold canned meat and skins, it is necessary to attach the health and quarantine certificates issued by veterinarians certified by relevant departments;(5) Packing of plants, seeds, soil, chemical fertilizers and similar articles shall be accompanied by a plant inspection certificate


(1) Customs invoice (3 copies);② Commercial invoice;(3) Proof of goods movement;(4) For alcoholic beverages, a certificate of component discount must be accompanied


(1) Commercial invoice, which should be signed with legal effect and stamped with the company's seal, is as follows: "We hereby declare that the actual price of the commodity and all fees paid or to be paid have been separately listed on our invoice";② Inspection certificate;(3) Medical products and all medicines must be accompanied by English instructions;(4) For old textiles, disinfection certificates should be attached;⑤ For some wines, a vintage certificate should be issued


Commercial invoice (4 copies);(2) Proof of movement of goods;(3) Health and quarantine certificates issued by veterinarians for live livestock, fresh meat and canned cold meat recognized by relevant departments;(4) For plants, seeds, soil, fertilizer, compost need l plant inspection certificate


Commercial invoice (2 copies);② Certificate of origin;(2) Proof of movement of goods;(4) Animals, animal products and plant products need health quarantine certificates;⑤ For food commodities, the certificate of composition analysis shall be attached


Commercial invoice (4 copies), certified by chamber of Commerce;② Certificate of origin;Inspection certificate;(4) For electric installation materials and incandescent lamps used for motor transmission, L copies of inspection certificate and 1 copy of the corresponding manufacturer's instructions shall be attached;⑤ Flowers, vegetables and seeds need a health quarantine certificate


Commercial invoice (2 copies);② Certificate of origin;③ For old textiles, a disinfection certificate should be attached;(4) For plants, seeds, animals and animal products, a health quarantine certificate is required

In Zambia,

(1) Customs invoice (3 copies);② Commercial invoice;③ Certificate of origin;(4) Plants and seeds should be provided with health and quarantine certificates


Commercial invoice (3 copies);Certificate of origin;Inspection certificate;(4) A health quarantine certificate issued by veterinarians is required for the animals, meat, meat products and pickled, air-dried, cold and smoked fish that are slaughtered for oral confession;⑤ For living plants and seeds, l copies of plant pathology certificate should be attached


(1) Customs invoice (2 copies);② Commercial invoice;③ Certificate of origin;(4) Inspection and verification;(5) For food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, the joint certificate of manufacturing and free sale shall be attached;(6) For food, basic raw materials and feed of food, l copies of radioactive certificate and 2 copies of component analysis certificate;⑦ For alcoholic beverages, certificates of brewing age should be attached;Live birds and animals must be accompanied by health and quarantine certificates


Commercial invoice (2 copies);② Certificate of origin

South African

① Commercial invoice;② Certificate of origin;(3) Sanitary and animal and plant quarantine certificate;(4) Steel and semi-finished products, 1 component analysis certificate;(5) Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, feed, pesticides and spare drugs, narcotic drugs and patent medicines shall be registered in South Africa;(8) For other commodities in the restricted form, you need to apply for DA59 certificate of origin

In Tanzania,

Commercial invoice (3 copies);② Inspection certificate;② For animals, l copies of health inspection certificate are required;(4) Plant quarantine certificates should be provided for plants, seeds, potato seeds and fruits;(5) Non-agricultural crops brewing spirits, should be accompanied by the supply company's special certificate

More than elder brother

(1) Commercial invoice (3 copies) bearing the following origin and price declaration signed by the exporter: "This is to certify that the goods mentioned on the invoice were produced in ×× country and their origin is ×× country, and that the price quoted on the invoice is in conformity with the prevailing price in the market of the exporting country";② Live livestock, fresh meat and cold canned meat, it is necessary to issue a health and quarantine certificate issued by the veterinarian recognized by the relevant departments;③ For plants, seeds, soil, fertilizer and compost, a phytosanitary certificate should be attached


(1) Commercial invoice (in 6 copies) bearing the following legally efficient declaration of origin and price signed by the exporter: "This is to certify that the goods mentioned in the invoice were produced in country XX and that the price quoted in the invoice is in conformity with the prevailing price in the market of the country of origin";② Certificate of origin;③ For vegetables, fruits, fresh meat and live livestock, a health quarantine certificate must be issued


① Commercial invoice;② Inspection certificate;(3) For all animals, a health and quarantine certificate issued no earlier than 10 days before shipment should be attached;④ A special certificate of the supply company should be attached to the non-agricultural crops brewing spirits;⑤ For old textiles, one copy of disinfection certificate should be attached


Commercial invoice (2 copies);② Inspection certificate;③ For poultry, slaughtered animals, meat products and animal food, a plant pathology certificate should be issued


① Commercial invoice;② Certificate of origin;③ A health and quarantine certificate is required for plants and seeds

Requirements for import documents of Oceanian countries or regions


① Commercial invoice;⑥ Business Certificate

The Fijian dhi

(1) Customs invoice (3 copies);② Commercial invoice

New west

Commercial invoice (3 copies);(2) Soju, whisky and rum, with a certificate from the customs of the exporting country certifying that the alcoholic beverage has been cellared in barrels for at least 5 years (2 years for lang milk);③ For plants, an official health and quarantine certificate is required

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